To simplify and consolidate
Until recently, Climate Explorer was sourcing temperature and precipitation data for locations from multiple sources. We started ClimateExplorer by using dat...
Until recently, Climate Explorer was sourcing temperature and precipitation data for locations from multiple sources. We started ClimateExplorer by using dat...
After we added The rest of the world (i.e., adding sites from around the world, sourced from Global Historical Climatology Network monthly (GHCNm)), I though...
ACORN-SAT 2.5 was released in August 2024. This release includes temperature data until the end of 2023. ClimateExplorer has been updated to this dataset.
In 2023 Climate Explorer had temperature records for Australia, New Zealand and the UK. We wanted to add temperature records from all around the world. Findi...
An anomaly is anything that is not normal. In science and mathematics, series of related numbers can be compared to discover anomalies within the series. To ...
While reading a news article on US climate normals, I decided it might be better to use the most recent 30 years of temperature data to calculate the warming...
ACORN-SAT version 2.3 was release 2022-11-18. Version 2.3 has temperatures records from 1910 up until the end of 2021, for the 112 locations around Australia...
When using ClimateExplorer, you may notice that below the chart there is a cluster of buttons that allow you to customise the data and the chart. This post e...
When you use ClimateExplorer, you may see info boxes that explain a few of the climate-related concepts presented in the web application. In the location sum...
Hey, welcome to the Climate Explorer blog! We plan to use this blog to keep you up to date as we add features & data sets to Climate Explorer, as well as...